Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just a vacation.. or justification?

We are born and we die
We are human
But why do we search for a deeper purpose?
Is it fear...of death?
Why must we trivialize our lifespans?
Are we insecure?
Do we fear our true worth?
Why are we not enough, of ourselves, for ourselves?
Sometimes I wonder if religion is to blame..
I HATE religion.
There's a guy on the other side of the world that believes what he's "supposed" to,
Solely because it's what his father's father believed
He was raised to never question it
His faith justifies his actions against me and my people.
My faith justifies my retaliation.
I hate the implications of the word "justify".
If shit was JUST as is,
You wouldn't have to just-ify it
I want all of us to be wrong,
JUST because..
I want God to be Elmo from Sesame Street
Then only kids would go to heaven
None of us deserve it
We fight over shit we couldn't prove if we tried...
Was Jesus Black?
Would it make a difference either way?
God isn't a proper name, it's a job description
God didn't write the bible in English
There are no curse words, only cursed meanings
Let gays marry
Let God give a damn..
What if He doesn't?
Does that scare you?
What if God is completely different than you'd imagine?
Would you still worship?
If King Kai descended from the Heavens,
Would you truly accept being wrong?
I would
I don't worship a specific religion
I appreciate the general idea of a higher power
Sometimes I personify it
I'll say, "He gave me the strength to over come"
or, "She nurtured me back to good health"
Sometimes God is bigger than personification
God is in the inner workings of the world
God is Physics
God is as much a watchmaker as He is the watch itself
It's mechanics... gears.. face..
YOU... are god.
I... am god
He, It, She.... the Trinity... is God
Some would say that's very "Five percenter" of me
Nah, that's the whole load
Just live, and let live
The Just live, and let live.
Now justify that.